

pc  driving you nuts?

Got an error  message you do not  understand?

Received a strange phone call claiming your  pc has a problem?

Call Me now on 07774 180451 for a free chat. and if required,I  may  be able to  see you at your home  or  office today.

Premium emergency callout anytime  – ring for availability.

For Remote access support  Click the red button   to download .

It will download  a file  called customerplugin.exe.

Open it and click to authorize the  installation when asked.

When done click the desktop shortcut to run.

You will need to authorize my connection  and click to allow me access to your notepad

Note that I have to set up the remote session in advance.

Running the program on your desktop allows you to enter a  one-time session code which allows the program to grant me  a temporary access to your pc..

help-153094_1280Full Remote access  link Here

Full Remote Install

This Link  is from me  At

Please only use this when asked by me to do so – Thanks

Prepayment for Remote Support

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